Cool Shades: He even wears them at night, although his augmented vision helps prevent the world being too shady.
The Comically Serious: He keeps his straight face and dead tone even as he blurts out the most ridiculous quips in the game.
The prequel implies that they're both clones of Adam Jensen.
Cloning Blues: JC is actually Paul's genetic clone raised as his younger brother.
Combo Platter Powers: The various augmentations available, from Super Speed to regeneration to bulletproof skin to completely silent movement and invisibility.
Bio-Augmentation: He has the latest technology by the time the game comes rolling by, leading to trust issues from his colleagues with older tech.
Badass Longcoat: Lampshaded when Anna tells you you will have to do more than just scare your enemies with a coat that makes you look bigger that you really are.
The player character and main protagonist of the game, an augmented agent of UNATCO tasked with defeating the NSF, only to find out that the situation is considerably more complicated than it seems.